All my life, I have had a passion for science, cooking, comfort, mindfulness, and community. In 2024, I started a new baking business called "From the Comfort of Home Cooking." I created this brand with the idea of possibly expanding it into a lifestyle brand, but I initially focused on selling commercial baked goods and seasonal catering. Everything was going well until I faced a serious challenge with allergens and mold.
Suddenly, I developed detrimental food allergies and chronic urticaria (hives). I became sensitive to gluten, dairy, salicylates, oxalates, and nickel, which forced me to restrict my diet to only fresh meat, eggs, rice, garlic, and onions. This situation sparked an intense period of research for me. Growing up in a healthy household, I already had some knowledge about nutrition and exercise, and I regularly prepared most of my own meals. However, my deep dive into food composition revealed so much about histamines, salicylates, oxalates, pseudo-allergens, and various spices that I had never been aware of before. It was fascinating, and I grasped the concepts fairly quickly.
After visiting an ENT specialist for allergy testing, I discovered my sensitivities were worsened by mold and myotoxicity, which contributed to many of my symptoms. Currently, I am on the mend through cleaning, using binders, infrared sauna therapy, and maintaining a limited diet. I would like to share everything I have learned along the way regarding holistic treatment methods. Additionally, I aim to create an educational and supportive community where others can engage in discussions, offer support, and enhance their understanding of their mental and physical well-being to find peace and happiness.